Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
801 Oak Street North Aurora, IL 60542
Prayer Shawl Ministry

Compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting have been combined into this prayerful ministry. Shawls are created by church parishioners, blessed and distributed to those in need
of comfort and solace or to those celebrating a birth, marriage, ordination, etc. This ministry meets occasionally with shawls being created independently.
Since its inception in May 2012, the Blessed Sacrament Prayer Shawl Ministry has created and distributed over 100 prayer shawls to many recipients who
have been kept in our prayers. Newly baptized babies are also welcomed to our parish community with specially-sized prayer shawls.
If you would like to request a prayer shawl for someone, please contact Sara Casher.
If you like to knit or crochet and would like to help create shawls please contact Sara for specific dimensions and
obtaining materials to get started.