Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
801 Oak Street North Aurora, IL 60542
Our History
In 1970, we came together as a parish community meeting in Mercy Hall at Mercyville (presently known as Provena Mercy Hospital) for our Sunday liturgies and educational classes. Our daily liturgies and meetings were held at the rectory on Chantilly Lane.
In 1972, we had saved enough money to purchase eight acres of land. 1975 brought the completion of the multi-purpose building, which enabled us to meet the liturgical, educational, and social needs of our parish. The new rectory-parish center was finished in 1981. That same year the " House-Give-Away" program was brought to a close after fifteen months of hard work by the people. This successful program made us debt free at the time.
January 1982 marked the beginning of a new phase in our history. The building commission began to plan our new church building with Prisco-Duffy and Associates. Our dreams and concepts of worship and worship space were translated into drawings. The Warren Brothers Construction Co., then turned those drawings into brick and mortar.
The founding Bishop, the Most Reverend Arthur J. O'Neill, the founding Pastor, The Reverend Edward S. Wright and their brother priests joined the people of this parish and dedicated the Church to the Blessed Sacrament on September 16, 1984.
In 1992 after many successful building fund drives we "burned" our mortgage papers and for the second time in our history we were debt free.
1996 brought a great honor to The Reverend Edward S. Wright, our pastor, he was bestowed the honor of the title Monsignor.
"Parish Stewardship" a new program was introduced to the parish in 1997. In this program members of the parish family were asked to share and make a commitment of their "Time and Talents" as well as their "Treasure".
In 1998 we embarked on a new Capital Campaign aimed at a new Religious Education building. This Campaign was called "Children Today, Leaders Tomorrow". The program was so successful (along with a continuing of saving over the past 6 years) that we had our groundbreaking celebration for this new building on July 4, 1999. Our dedication was held in September of 2000.
After the announcement of the retirement of Msgr. Wright, Father John Slampak joined Blessed Sacrament as our pastor in July 1, 2004.
On July 1, 2014, Father Max Lasrado was appointed as our pastor.
Our story continues today.